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Beat me with Koffee, a good book and a game of BasketBall/Tennis! You bet, nothing like it! Not to mention, music and dance!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My tryst with Radio one -94.3

I am a girl. I talk and talk and talk and talk. Ok – I take it back. I am a woman and I talk invariably.
So what’s in store for a tech woman on the Frequency modulation Radio one 94.3? Rightly interpreted – Yes it’s about the perfect pair of [Woman+Talk] that took me to the studios of Radio One

Part 1-The expedition

I hate Bangalore traffic, goes thy say. Unlike in my case. Bizarre? Cynical? Breathe deep for a moment- please. I say this because of the innumerous things I can catch up on my long commute to work and what my explorer world gave to me in return. Long story cut short: I switched to Radio one-94.3. That was the only option – as any regional music can seldom grab my attention.

So for readers who have heard the prankster MJ Prithvi (TheMusic Jockey known for his baritone voice as much as for his Birthday Bakras and Morning doses)
Following were my lines for the (bold and underlined words) in the ‘Line Maro’ contest which lead me to the studios:

1. No matter which season it is- my wife remains the same all the time –Unbearable
2. It’s the season of cricket, so dare to take the bat, helmet on and spin a googly on your wife’s face
3. This season I have taken a decision, to go on an unattempted mission, lemme see if God says – “Sau khoon maf, Minu” –for all fair reasons
4. Marriage is the only game, where all men love to lose
5. Only if men were intelligent, god would not have created women
6. A cycle and a wife, both need to be pumped heavily for productivity
7. A barking dog and a woman’s voice, both are at its best when ignored
8. My wife does not scream, it’s just that her voice is so
9. Machali jal ki rani hai aur Minu, dharti ki (Line Maro for the word ‘Fish’)
10. If Prithvi is a fish, I would love to be a fisherwoman
11. Only death can stop men for from fishing for hot chicks
12. The only man left with intelligence on this earth is the one reading this, rest all are women
13. Given a lifetime, men never understand women, becox women are blessed with intelligence and men with sexual desires
14. God asked what you want – Beauty or Intelligence? I said Beauty – as men are not smart enough to understand intelligent women
15. What use is of men having muscles, when they are all afraid of their wife?
16. My sales manager makes me say “Bus Karo Bus” when he oversells a product
17. My boyfriend is a stone of extreme boredom
18. My money saving style – send your wife to her parents place and maintain her there
19. Late for a date? No sex for a year after marriage

I received a t-Shirt with my winning line printed on it – which till date, lies blissfully and neatly folded in my cupboard. I wonder how my pyara desi crowd would react if I wear to flaunt this T- with such a punch line printed in Big, Bold and Beautiful on the front side of the T? The winning line reads -

‘Sheila pehle jawan hoti to Muni itni badnam nahi hoti’

Up Next –Part II: Co-hosting breakfast show with Prithvi on 94.3 (Jan 27 2011)


  1. god bless prithvi too.


  2. I would love to read the encounter of Prithvi :)....Did he survive the onslaught???

  3. Anonymous - I shall soon put the posting of my co-hosting with Prithvi! Leave it you to see if he survived the onslaught :) BTW - It aein't easy with Prithvi!

  4. @ashwin: Thanks ;) Prithvi has been immensely blessed by God. A indeed is a great celebreity in my eyes

  5. can't wait to read your Part II.

  6. @Amudha: Thanks for reading through the posts. I recently received the recording, shall upload it soon.
