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Thursday, March 3, 2011

How many months?

Months post my first delivery, my awful protruding tummy decided not to part from me. Guess- Nine months with me and my tummy loved me for all the nutritious food I had caressed it with. Years after my delivery I continued to still look as if I was still carrying and in my peak of pregnancy! This lead to me being in embarrassing situations! Or so I thought?

Trrrrr…Trr..Trrr….pulls the auto from the auto stand. “Jayanagar sir?” – I asked and on his positive nod, I got onto it. His rash driving got me on to my toes, so I mildly requested him – “Can you please drive a bit slowly? Pat come’s the reply….”OkOk I understand” . What did he understand? Ohh ok...He sure was thinking....”How many months?”

I had to catch a flight from New Jersey to Dallas enroute Chicago. The long wait at the stop over took a heavy toll on my face. As I was putting the baggage on the weighing machine, the lady at the check-in counter said – “Mam – Steve shall help you with the baggage” Now this was a rare service to come in from a country known for self-help even for VVVIPs. I wondered –why for me? Did my face show the tiredness? Ok dear lady – did not take me too long to realize the thought of your mind- “How many months?”

Post joining work in a mid-size consulting company, I asked my managers –On what basis was I selected? My manager said – “I liked your determination towards work. When you asked that-If there is a position for an on-going project as you would not prefer being on bench, it displayed you utter sincerity even at this stage” Stage? What stage? I wondered and pondered and kept wondering, until my dear tummy answered me! Thank you my protruding tummy – I got a job because of you! Can you stay with me till I get my first promotion too? Let them pamper me as they discuss in their vivacious circle –“How many months?”

One fine afternoon, I was on bus ride and the lovely lady sitting next to me sacrificed her seat in exchange of my standing place. I felt obliged and took a while to understand why would she offer her seat to me? My eyes scrolled down to my ever-green protruding tummy and out came the answer! Fine – if you get me a seat – I will feed you well! Let the world continue to have the curiosity towards –“How many months?”

Few weeks before, I visited my ex-roomie. I was meeting her after 5 long years. As the family boys were comforting in the living room, my darling friend took me to her master bedroom. ‘Maybe she wants to show her wedding album, I guessed’. Bad guess! She took out the designer clothes and said – “Minu, with this on, you should be able to breathe well during these days, its important you see” Lol! She was displaying her various maternity wear from ‘Mom &Me’ Ahem! Pout came the much awaited question –“How many months?”

Last week I went for a college re-union. I spotted some new faces, young and beaming! I was in my usual self with my friends and continued to enjoy my drink and conversations until a young chick came up to me and said “Excuse me” I looked back and smiled. She returned my smile in an appeasing manner and continued – “Pleased don’t mind, you do not know me, but I know you very well. I am seated over there with my friends and we were discussing about you. About the time you used to spend with Vivek at Powai lake and have heard so much about your dream project”.

“Hmmmm…Yeah---A project which remained a dream forever” – I thought to myself. Though somewhere in my heart there was a sense of little prideness beaming inside me. Atleast my juniors think my project was good! Inspite of the fact that I hated the mention of Vivek and Powai lake, I put up a nice face and said –“So something about the project you want to know?”
“Not at this point. Actually it’s a Boys Vs girls bet –and I have put a good deal on the bet-You mind sharing with us –“How many months”?

Over the last years 6 years- my answer continues to be 6 months!!!


  1. Its like a conjurer,who has sleeve up his sleeve.


  2. its like a conjurer who has tricks up his sleeve


  3. You have got the most of it from this. Time to get rid of it!

  4. @Anonymous - Agree!Indeed! Just that laziness overules the determination to get rid of it! :)

  5. @Ashwin; Thanks for your nice words. Learnt a new word!
