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Beat me with Koffee, a good book and a game of BasketBall/Tennis! You bet, nothing like it! Not to mention, music and dance!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Immortal love

Admirer : I love you a ton!  
Minu: That’s an infatuation

Admirer: It’s been 2 years, I continue to love you
Minu: Crazy U, I told you n times, I am happily married  
Admirer: Love has no boundaries
Minu: I am happy in my married boundaries
Admirer: One fine day you will reliaze my love for you
Minu: Foolishness has no boundaries, its termed crazy
Admirer: I would rather be labelled foolish for loving an intelligent and smart lady like you
Minu: From when did men start understanding smartness? Beauty and sex is the only thing your gender knows! Which is no way me!
Admirer: What’s wrong in sex? It’s a thing of sheer beauty!
Minu: Beauty for me lies in writing
Admirer: I love your writings as much as I love you. BTW - Why do you write?
Minu: Good flirting and flattering- Shoooo!
Admirer: Come on – Tell me -You write to feel good? To express yourself?
Minu: No
Admirer: For money? Ahhh-Remember your line –Fuck everything else, I need money,money,money! Minu:NOOO
Admirer: Then what’s the adrenaline rush to write?  Fame? Power? Recognition?
Minu:NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You would not understand. Not every action needs to be profitable or material associate!

Admirer: That’s why exactly I love you and will continue to love you
Minu: Shows how zilch your brain power is,that is- if you have one!

Admirer: You love to break hearts. My innumerous flight tickets keep getting booked in a fictionary world and I travel only virtually to meet you with the platinum ring that awaits your hands. Yet you so stone hearted ??
Minu: I am selfish, rude, cynical and a stone of extreme boredom- Koffee and books are my love than those shiny metals. The door’s on the right. Thank you

Admirer: Never say die. Everything I do, I shall do for you.
Minu: I am an immovable boulder. Will move to get you on the police radar, though. Need be.

Admirer: Yeah, now that you an AVP – you have become more influential and loaded with euros and dollars! Your title has brought an attitude in you, reflects badly! You shall be a loner up there! And then you will think of me. I still will be there for you!
Minu: AVP? Asshole Vetoed Person?   

Admirer: Nothing’s gonna change my love for you. Can you just give me one single day to prove my worth to you? Just one day, that’s all I ask!
Minu: Neither a day, nor a say!  But I can give you one thing for sure – This post!


This is per your request - admirer! Respect and love sit on opposite banks of the river. I respect every individual. Love- Not sure if I have loved myself enough so far. Have gathered courage to put in this post for that respect or blog promotion,whatsoever you call. Selfish Stone?