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Beat me with Koffee, a good book and a game of BasketBall/Tennis! You bet, nothing like it! Not to mention, music and dance!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The endless wait…….

A mother – Her baby in this world.
Cricket audience - 1 ball 2 runs.
An employee – Salary. Never to come promotion and raise
Passenger – Pray for a hot chick/hunk next to me
Student – Exam results
Farmer –Good harvest
Trader – Nifty points
Actor – Oscar award
Writer –Booker prize

Man –Sex
Minu- Comments on blog posts : )


Thanks, Arjun - for the refinements :)


  1. I agree with minu. She has quality to understnd ech aspect of life. I impresee from her ay of thinking. She is differnrt angle to see life n people. its awesome

  2. @Rishab: Thanks for the kind words :)
