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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Friday fill-in ; Filled in on a saturday

Friday Fill-in

Here are the questions they asked:

1. In the near darkness _____.

2. _____ till further notice.

3. But this _____.

4. _____ in the stream.

5. It's always nice _____.

6. _____ and pleasant company.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!

And here is what I have to say…

1. In the near darkness I saw a beautiful carriage being pulled by the white horses and there was my prince charming I always dreamt of!

2. Life is not all about cricket, No watching/talking cricket till further notice.

3. But this is what perturbs us the least! Though the world cup was just a replica of the real cup which still is in the Mumbai customs, The cup’ all ours! Ours ONLY!  Dream to reality!

4. Tragedy struck. All alone, I sat there, gazing at the sky and feeling the serenity in the stream.

5. It's always nice to be incrementally promoted, exponentially raised and dearly loved by boss!

6. All I need is A ride on the cruise, madness of the gushing water, watching the beautiful sunset, Single Malt and pleasant company.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward for some freedom for my heart throb Sangakkara , tomorrow my plans include going to the Freedom park in search of true freedom and Sunday, I want to attain the freedom by making my hubby cook for me while I watch cricket and run my eyes on the paper!


  1. Enjoyed the read :)
    Happy week-end :)

  2. @Preeti : Thanks a ton! Couldn't have expected any better lightening fast response! You indeed keep up your humbleness!

  3. So did u find the freedom park?

    BTW, you have a lot more Fridays to fill in now.

  4. Nice writeup Minu! Enjoyed my stay here. Keep blogging :)

  5. @Gaurav: Bangalore has a Freedom park, though would hate to compare it with the parks in Mumbai!

  6. @Romeo: Much Thanks! Your words are a rekindle to bring this little blog out of the dormant state now!
